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4 Turkey Hill Road                                     Richard B. Zang,
Newtown, CT 06470                                                                                                       Chairman
Tel (203) 270-4300                                              Marianne Brown          
Fax (203) 426-9968                           Louis Carbone
                                                           Richard Conte
Fred Hurley,                                                           Phil Cruz
   Director                                           TOWN OF NEWTOWN  Alan Shepard
                                                    WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY  Carl Zencey

The Newtown Water and Sewer Authority held a regular meeting on Thursday June 11, 2009, at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Commerce Road.  Chairman Richard Zang called the meeting to order at 7:18PM

The Newtown Water and Sewer Authority held a regular meeting on Thursday, June 11, 2009 at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, Commerce Road.  Chairman Richard Zang called the meeting to order at  7:18 P.M.

Present: Lou Carbone, Richard Zang, Alan Shepard, Carl Zencey, Richard Conte
Absent:  Phil Cruz, Marianne Brown

Also Present: Ted Kreinik, Wes Thompson, Mitch Bolinski of the EDC, Selectman, Joe Borst, Legislative Council member Pat Llodra, Julio Segarra of AOS Operating Company, Mike Burton, and Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works

Public Participation - None

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Upon motion by Lou Carbone, and seconded by Carl Zencey, the minutes of the May 14, 2009 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.


Gallons processed vs gallons billed study – Dick Zang presented charts from Flow Assessment of the meter data collected in the beginning of April.  Flow Assessment supplied only raw data, no analysis.  Dick asked Fred to talk to the engineers (Stearns and wheeler and Fuss and O’Neil)  and ask them if they can analyze it.  

Set the Sewer Benefit Assessment for 107 Church Hill RoadCarl Zencey motioned to request Karin & Fazio to update the benefit assessment of 107 Church Hill Road based on 3 phases of the project.  Also, to authorize Fred Hurley, Public Works Director to sign off on the Certificate of Occupancy for the first phase which was a remodel of residential to commercial, Lou Carbone seconded.  Motion passed 4 Yes (Zang, Zencey, Conte, and Carbone), 1 abstained (Shepard)

Set 2009 Residential Sewer Benefit Assessment Based on 2008-2009 CPI of .75% Alan Shepard motioned to set the 2009 benefit assessment at $12,894.21, Richard Conte seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Solar feasibility study – Mr. Kreinik, Mr. Thompson, and Mr. Bolinski have been working on having solar power in the Tech Park.  They would like to have all three engineering firms make a presentation before they are accepted to make sure the respondents are looking at it as a phased in approach.  They have prepared additional questions to be answered by the respondents.
Richard Conte and Fred Hurley attended an EDC meeting representing the WSA.  The WSA initiated the RFP to consider the feasibility of solar panels.  The WSA pays $90,000-$100,000 per year for electricity.  Solar could replace approximately 35% of that total. The proposed savings do not appear to justify the solar installation.  Fred Hurley presented a map of the property for the Waste Water Treatment Plant with future expansion mapped out.  With this expansion, approximately an acre might be available for the project.  What the EDC is asking for will cost a great deal more than the cost of the engineers RFP.  Mr. Zang is concerned about the added cost.  If the EDC would like to increase the scope of the project, are they or the town willing to split the costs.  Mr. Shepard expressed his concerns about the financial aspect as well as for the technology of treatment plants, 20 years down the road when the expansion is needed, who knows if the expansion drawn on the map will be qualify.  Mr. Kreinik said that he would like this RFP to provide both costs and which locations would best generate electricity to run the waste water treatment plant.  Mr. Zang replied that the best idea that has been proposed is going to a private developer.  Fred Hurley is to be the contact person for the EDC and Rich Conte is the appointed member of the WSA for the feasibility study.  

183 Mt. Pleasant Road – The EDC has provided a letter stating that they are in-favor of the project.  Alan Shepard would like to see a plan for the property before the preliminary letter is given.  Item tabled until we get the applicants request.

164 Mt. Pleasant Road - Tabled

168-170 Mt. Pleasant Road - Tabled


Dauti Appeal - Alan Shepard motioned at 8:22PM to go into executive session inviting Joe Borst, Pat Llodra, Julio Segarra, and Arlene Miles, Carl Zencey seconded, motion unanimously accepted.  Executive session ended at 8:44 pm

Lou Carbone motioned to recommend that the Board of selectman authorize the defense of the Dauti appeal, and recommend same to the Legislative Council.  Richard Conte seconded, motion unanimously accepted.

2010 Budget – Tabled

Report by Public Works Director – None

Report by AOS Operating Company – Report attached

Other business – Alan Shepard is working with Scott from the GIS department on sewer mapping.  He has a copy of the addresses being billed as well as a copy of the map. Now it is just a matter of balancing the two.

Having no further business, meeting adjourned at 10:06

Arlene Miles, Clerk